
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Pizza Reward for the 8th Grade

Dr. Vatalaro is rewarding the 8th graders by buying them pizza on Friday 1/20.  The reward is for the generosity shown in the Food Drive and the volunteers during the Holiday Parade and the School Committee Presentation.  

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Midterm Review

This assignment can also be found in your Google Classroom.  Complete it there and submit it by the Midterm.

What you need to know for the S.S. Mid-term
-Achievements of the Byzantine Empire
-Examples of Byzantine preserving Greek and Roman Ideas
-Importance of Justinian’s Code
-Reasons for Byzantine’s Downfall 
-Understand the geography of the Arabian Peninsula
-Trace the origins of the religion of Islam
-Include the important events of Muhammad’s life
-Other aspects of the religion including the Quran, the 5 Pillars, definition of a mosque
-Charlemagne’s impact on Western Europe
-Reasons for the rise of Feudalism
-The hierarchy in feudal society

-All aspects of life on a Manor
-All aspects of a lord-vassal contract
-Reasons for the Christian Church being such a  powerful force in Western Europe
-Importance of the Battle of Hastings in 1066
-Importance of William the Conqueror
-The different aspects of English Reform that came under William’s successors

-The Crusades (include causes, players, and effects)
-Explain the changes that occur as people move from manors to towns
-Describe in depth, the reasons for the fall of Feudalism

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Reading Log

Print out this Reading Log.  Any student that completes the Log and passes it in to me, will receive 10 points on the next Social Studies assessment.

Beebe 8th Grade Reading Log

Civics Day

Please check out the pages to the right for more pics, HW, and vocabulary lists.
December/January Newsletter


As we enter the New Year, the Beebe 8th Grade is finishing a very successful food drive.  We started the food drive off with over 20 students volunteering to walk in Malden's Holiday Parade.  Throughout December, Beebe students donated over 1000 pieces of non-perishable food items.

We have completed units on the Middle Ages and Islam.   In that time we have completed projects such as Maps of Stromford Village, Five Pillar Cubes, and Family Crests and Collages.  We have also worked on trying to solve a community based issue.   We identified a problem in our community and found a bill making its way through the Massachusetts Legislature. 

The 8th graders are currently preparing for midterms.  The next two weeks will be a time for reviewing and assessing.  After testing we will begin the Renaissance and Reformation.  We will learn of the accomplishments of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Martin Luther.

Happy New Year,

Mr. Enwright