
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Paragraph Ideas

First Paragraph
  • Bear introduces himself
  • Description of the difficulties of life during the Middle Ages
  • Explanation of feudalism through Bear's eyes
  • Specific examples from Stromford to Lodgecott to Great Wexly
Second Paragraph 
  • All the reasons why feudalism should end
  • Justice system needs to change -- Habeas Corpus-Magna Carta
  • Ownership of land
  • Change in class structure
  • Use text, notes, etc.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Study Guide Chapter 5 Quiz

Chapter 5 Quiz Topics

Understand the impact of the Magna Carta, Model Parliament and Henry II's legal reforms on the decline of feudalism.  Also know the meaning of the Constitutions of Clarendon.  Section 5.2.

Understand how the plague spread, why it began, and it's effect the decline of feudalism.

Understand the 100 Years War and it's effect on the decline of feudalism.  Who was Joan of Arc and how did she help France?

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Map of Stromford Manor

Due Monday October 2nd. 

8th Grade Coat of Arms

Welcome to the 2017/2018 School Year!!!

Please check this site either weekly or night to see homework assignments, vocabulary words, classwork, and anything else you need to know about the 8th grade at Beebe School.

Mr. Enwright
8th Grade Team Leader
8th Grade Social Studies Beebe School

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Tufts Field Trip

March/April Newsletter

What's Going on in the Social Studies???!!!

Dear Parents,

There is a lot going on in social studies in the months of March and April.  We just completed our Renaissance Final Quiz.  It was a culmination of a month spent learning about the origins of the Renaissance, how it spread through Italy and Europe, and some of the great Renaissance artists.  We read Machiavelli and looked at works of art by Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Albrecht Durer.

We are currently working on a Facebook project.  This is basically a biography project with a modern twist.

We are also finishing up College Awareness Week.  Ms. Loustaunau and I are doing career research project in class.  Students will create a poster with information about how students can achieve their long term goals.

We are about to begin work on the Protestant Reformation.  We will learn about Martin Luther.  This unit will have a writing project as well as a few fun assignments.

Thanks for checking into the Blogspot.  Check back for pics showing what is going on in the 8th grade.

Mr. Enwright
8th Grade Team Leader

Read Across America Day!

Read Across America was a great success.  The 8th grade visited the 4th grade.  We read a number of books to one another and had a great discussion on favorite books and authors. 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Review the Essential Questions

Answer the following questions for homework.  Due Tuesday, March 7th.

Answer the following questions by first stating your opinion and then using historical evidence that either supports or disputes your opinion.  The evidence will change as we revisit some of the same EQs.

1.  What purpose does government serve?

2.  How does religion influence society?

3.  What rights is each person born with?

4.  Why does culture flourish?

Be thorough!!!!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

What's Going on in the 8th Grade!!!

Image result for tufts
The 8th Graders will be going to Tufts University on Friday, March 3rd.  This will be part of an ongoing campaign to raise the interest level of students attending college.  We will be visiting Tufts from about 8:30 to 12:00.  We will see the campus and hear from college advisers.  

Image result for NAEP
Image result for NAEP
On Monday March 6th, the 8th Graders will be taking the NAEP standardized test.  The majority of 8th graders were chosen.  A form went home in January explaining the test.  The students have visited the website and watched a short video.  Please visit, for further information.

Image result for cat in the hat

As part of Read Across America, 8th grade students will read to the 4th grade.  I have asked them to bring in their favorite childhood book to read to the younger students!!!  I will send along pictures from the event.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Work For Over the Vacation

Over the February Break, you need to complete the template for the Facebook Project and some research.  You should have information such as:

  • Who your person's contemporaries are
  • Important biographical information
  • Creative ideas to make your Facebook Project unique and informative
  • Know the major achievements of you person
  • AND MORE............

You also will need your Reading Log completed AND signed by a parent by the Wednesday after the break.  February is a short month, 15 entries into your log will get you a 5/10 on the log.  Remember, the February Reading Log counts as 3 HOMEWORKS for the 3rd Quarter.  The March Log will also count as 3 grades.

Enjoy the Break.

Mr. E

Image result for fun winter activity

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

NAEP Testing February 9th

A number of Beebe 8th Graders will be taking the NAEP test on Thursday.  Please visit in order to get a better understanding of this test and it's importance.

Facebook Project

Facebook Project

Objective:  Students will research an important historical figure from the second half of the year.  They will create a Facebook page for their figure to display key facts and achievements.

Directions: On the profile you must include / indicate:
1) A profile photograph.  Just make sure the photograph reflects the physical traits of the person you are embodying (*artistic talent is not being measured).
2) A photo album encompassing names of people they may be connected to.  Under every name write a brief caption of how they know each other.
3) An information section indicating the character’s date of birth, etc. (biographical information).  You also must include a quotation by them.
4) In a section which says, “write something about yourself,” you need to include information regarding their accomplishments.
5) In a section of wall posts, have posts from other figures / events that actively reflect the situations of your figure.  Here you can do what you wish as long as it relates to the time period.
6) You can add any other unique aspects of social media (Instagram, Twitter)

7) You will be graded on teamwork, creativity, and content.

Facebook Rubric
Assignment contains all required elements.
information is accurate, easy to understand and creatively presented.
Assignment contains most of the required elements. Profile and informaton are accurate and clearly described.
Assignment contains some of the required elements. Profile and infoemation are sketchy and unclear. Deatails are not consistent.
Assignment contains few of the required elements. Profile and information is incomplete, and/or has inaccurate details.
Creativity and Effort
The page was attractive, and informative The page reflected the figures(s) very well through posts and imitated their tone, mood, and word choice used.
The page was attractive, and informative. The language and tone did not quite reflect the figures represented.
The page was attractive and somewhat informative and/or the personalities/tone were only somewhat reflected .
Page does not reflect personality of figures
Routinely provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A leader who contributes a lot of effort.
Usually provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A strong group member who tries hard!
Sometimes provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A satisfactory group member who does what is required.
Rarely provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. May refuse to participate.
TIme on Task
Consistently stays focused on the task and what needs to be done. Very self-directed.  
Focuses on the task and what needs to be done most of the time. Other group members can count on this person.  
Focuses on the task and what needs to be done some of the time. Other group members must sometimes nag, prod, and remind to keep this person on task.
Rarely focuses on the task and what needs to be done. Lets others do the work.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Florence Scrapbook

Write a caption for each image.  Each caption should include:

  • Name of image
  • Who is associated with that image
  • In what field is the image associated with from Chapter 29
  • 1 other fact or relevant piece of information that has to do with that image

HW 2/2

Updated Table of Contents

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Reading Log is Posted on Google Classroom**February Reading Log counts as 3 HW grades and a possible 10 extra credit points on a quiz**

**Grade 8 Voted to have Renaissance Quiz on Monday February 6th**

Topics will include information from Chapter 28 and 29

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Pizza Reward for the 8th Grade

Dr. Vatalaro is rewarding the 8th graders by buying them pizza on Friday 1/20.  The reward is for the generosity shown in the Food Drive and the volunteers during the Holiday Parade and the School Committee Presentation.  

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Midterm Review

This assignment can also be found in your Google Classroom.  Complete it there and submit it by the Midterm.

What you need to know for the S.S. Mid-term
-Achievements of the Byzantine Empire
-Examples of Byzantine preserving Greek and Roman Ideas
-Importance of Justinian’s Code
-Reasons for Byzantine’s Downfall 
-Understand the geography of the Arabian Peninsula
-Trace the origins of the religion of Islam
-Include the important events of Muhammad’s life
-Other aspects of the religion including the Quran, the 5 Pillars, definition of a mosque
-Charlemagne’s impact on Western Europe
-Reasons for the rise of Feudalism
-The hierarchy in feudal society

-All aspects of life on a Manor
-All aspects of a lord-vassal contract
-Reasons for the Christian Church being such a  powerful force in Western Europe
-Importance of the Battle of Hastings in 1066
-Importance of William the Conqueror
-The different aspects of English Reform that came under William’s successors

-The Crusades (include causes, players, and effects)
-Explain the changes that occur as people move from manors to towns
-Describe in depth, the reasons for the fall of Feudalism