
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Paragraph Ideas

First Paragraph
  • Bear introduces himself
  • Description of the difficulties of life during the Middle Ages
  • Explanation of feudalism through Bear's eyes
  • Specific examples from Stromford to Lodgecott to Great Wexly
Second Paragraph 
  • All the reasons why feudalism should end
  • Justice system needs to change -- Habeas Corpus-Magna Carta
  • Ownership of land
  • Change in class structure
  • Use text, notes, etc.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Study Guide Chapter 5 Quiz

Chapter 5 Quiz Topics

Understand the impact of the Magna Carta, Model Parliament and Henry II's legal reforms on the decline of feudalism.  Also know the meaning of the Constitutions of Clarendon.  Section 5.2.

Understand how the plague spread, why it began, and it's effect the decline of feudalism.

Understand the 100 Years War and it's effect on the decline of feudalism.  Who was Joan of Arc and how did she help France?